Shyla N.’s work is almost surgical in her chaotic universe. She captures, with her shots, used piece of meat in a metal sea, the decisive hook of a boxer in trouble and the colorful detail in a gray window overlooking the concrete jungle. What they say about her, at the end of the speech is generally: she kicks ass.

Born in Milan, 1984.
My grandfather showed me how to look at the world through a camera, getting the best out of it. I moved to SFO where people showed interest in my photobook Last Month, giving me the chance to close circle one.
In 2020 TTTism published in their 4th issue some portraits I shot to Ruco. In 2019 SAM hosted my solo exhibit Abandons with two amazing djs playing. In 2019 Vetra Navigli hosted Una Vita Decente, street-photography solo exhibit. In 2019 I was involved in Grand Tour – collective exhibit for the Milano Photo Week. In 2017 happened Counterpunch, a solo exhibit in Ragusa. In 2017 Marsèll Paradise hosted Fight, my first solo exhibit. My first publication is Nubi Photos vol II – San Francisco (sold out) for Nubi.
A small, messy selection of Last Moth is in my pretty old portfolio.